Monday 6 June 2016


From UNN:

All class rooms and lecture halls of University of Nigeria, Enugu are locked and Student Union Government, (SUG) officials are seen moving round enforcing compliance.

It is said that out of 27 dental students that sat for the 2nd MBBS exam 2 weeks back, only 5 passed and 22 failed. out of 221 medical students who wrote the same examination, just 98 passed. Nobody cares who failed, and no one would even ask why they failed.

Our counterparts in the past studied with a near 24 hour light/power supply. We are asked/mandated to pass the same exams they wrote, and supersede their achievements, with a near 0 hour light/power supply.

A student goes to class by 8am in the morning and returns by 4pm in the evening, takes his/her bath and a 2hrs nap and prepares to read in the evening by 7 and there is no light, how does this student pass his/her examinations.

More importantly, how does this student become a better doctor, lawyer, etc who would tend to human lives, when there is no light to study in a professional campus of the University of Nigeria??.

Hence, it has become Imperative that if our students cannot get light to read, in a professional programme campus, we find it difficult to understand how they would supersede the achievements of the Wole Soyinka’s, Chinua Achebe’s, etc, neither would they be able to compete favorably or carry out their required task in a heavily demanding society.

We appeal to our university management, our friendly Vice Chancellor, our amiable Associate Dean of Student Affairs and other principal members of the University and National council to place the student welfare first before other things.

The student deserves that.
No student, No School.

No Student welfare, No Student, hence, No School.

At this point, the students simply ask for what they paid for, and what is their right judiciously.

#Nolight, #NoLectures!!

Its time for us to speak out with one voice, one mind, because it is our welfare, our struggle, our fight, for a better, stronger and more prosperous UNEC and God willing, we will RESTORE THE DIGNITY OF MAN.

Our motto remains ‘LET THERE BE LIGHT!’.


– Deputy Speaker, SUG House.
University of Nigeria.

Aluta continua…Victoria ancerta.

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