Thursday 30 June 2016

Student-leader ‘slaps’ colleague

Moshood Olajide, a 200-Level Sociology and Anthropology student of the Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU) in Ile-Ife, Osun State, got more than he bargained for when he decided to advise freshers to participate in unionism.

The advice allegedly earned him slaps from a colleague, identified as Mubarak Akinkunmi, who is said to be a member of the caretaker committee set up by management to oversee the Students’ Union Government (SUG).

It all happened at Angola Hall last Thursday when Moshood, a student-activist, told the freshers to disregard an earlier announcement by the hostel’s representative, Dele Williams, a 200-Level International Relations student, warning them against taking part in unionism.

Dele, it was learnt, told the freshers that they would be rusticated if they participated in unionism. He cited the case of Olawale Ogunruku, a fresher who was allegedly suspended in 2011 for protesting against acceptance fee increment. Olawale, he said, is still regretting his action as management was yet to reinstate him.

But, the advice did not go down well with Moshood, who also went round the Hall of Residence to tell the freshers to participate in unionism. He confronted Dele and told him to stop discouraging the freshers.

Moshood accused Dele of attempting to criminalise Olawale’s action, which he described as “justifiable”.

As they arguing, chairman of the SUG Caretaker Committee Michael Ajala came in with some students, including Mubarak.

Mubarak allegedly hit Moshood and slapped him for speaking against the caretaker committee. Moshood, it was learnt, maintained his cool in the face of provocation.

CAMPUSLIFE learnt that the attack may not be unconnected with Moshood’s resignation from the committee as the public relations officer four months ago. His resignation followed an allegation that the committee is management’s puppet.

After allegedly slapping Moshood, Mubarak was added to the private social media platform of the committee as a member, an action other members are frowning at.

A member of the committee, who asked not to be named, said: “I am surprised the committee chairman is encouraging rascality. How would he add someone who was unruly in the presence of many students to our private page? Michael is making the committee to lose its integrity among students.”

Condemnation is trailing Mubarak’s action, with students asking him to stop hiding behind the union’s
façade to “display rascality”.

President of OAU’s chapter of the Association of Campus Journalists (ACJ) Olanrewaju Oyedeji said:

“Slapping is an offence on the campus and any member of the union is not expected to support it. Why should any student slap his colleague because of difference of opinion? This only makes mockery of the caretaker committee.”

Muraina Mujeeb, a Local Government Studies student, described Mubarak’s action as “ridiculous”, saying: “This is the most shocking thing I have seen this semester. The caretaker committee is promoting violence on the campus. Nobody should be attacked or slapped for holding a view. We must tolerate people’s opinion, no matter how trivial.”

The development is fueling calls for the dissolution of the caretaker committee. Students took to social media complaining that the committee is not representing their interest.

Ausin Okoro, a student, wrote: “Who are these nonentities calling themselves acting union leaders? Even if the members of the committee lack a level of decorum and discipline, shouldn’t the chairman call them to order? We are surprised the chairman is promoting rascality. This is ridiculous and it is a mockery of what the union stands for. Let the committee be disbanded.”

Another student, who simply identified himself as Comrade Joe, wrote: “Why should anyone slap a fellow student because of difference of opinion? This is a punishable offence. Such a student would not go scot-free if the SUG were to be in place.

The committee members have paraded themselves as thugs. They can’t lead OAU students.”
Moshood declined to speak on the issue when contacted on phone by CAMPUSLIFE.

He said he was invited by members of the committee on Friday for investigation into the case.
Mubarak did not pick our correspondent’s calls. He did not reply our text messages too.

It was learnt that the committee has embarked on reconciliation to appease students. The committee is said to be reaching out to the students’ groups, which have been criticising its members for docility and incompetence.

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