Wednesday 15 June 2016

NOUN University severs toes with Alumni association

The National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN) says it will henceforth treat the university’s Alumni Association as an independent voluntary association.

The university further said that as such, it would ``not have any hand in the affairs of the association’’.

This is contained in a press statement signed by Ibrahim Sheme , the university’s Director of Media and Publicity and made available to the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Abuja on Wednesday.

The statement quoted the Vice-Chancellor of the university, Professor Abdalla Adamu , as saying that the group was a voluntary body for former students who chose to join it.

It said that with effect from Wed, June 15, 2016, the university’s Advancement Unit, which had been empowered to liaise and work with the association, would stop all forms of collaboration.

According to the statement, the university’s decision to sever ties with the association followed the refusal of the Board of Trustees (BOT) and the National Executive Council (NEC) of the association to agree to a truce proffered by the university’s management to resolve a lingering factional crisis between the two groups at a meeting held at the NOUN headquarters in Abuja on Wednesday.

The statement said that at the meeting, which was attended by officials of both bodies, the vice chancellor had noted that there were numerous complaints from members of the association and the general public which border on power tussle and allegations of wrong doings against both the BOT and the NEC.

The statement said Adamu appealed to all concerned parties to sheathe their swords and embrace peace in the interest of the association and the image of the university.

It also said that the vice-chancellor suggested steps to be taken to resolve the lingering crisis.

The statement further said that Adamu urged both parties to see themselves as ambassadors of NOUN interested in its growth and development.

According to the statement, the VC advised the association to withdraw and settle all pending court cases out of court.

The statement also said that the vice chancellor called for the dissolution of the current BOT and NEC officials from the state to federal levels with strict adherence to due process.

It said that Adamu also recommended that a Care-taker Committee be set up to conduct the affairs of the association pending fresh elections of officials.

He also advised that a time-table of operations for the Care-taker Committee be worked out.

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