Monday 25 July 2016

Students with disability decry descrimination

Students living with disabilities at the Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto (UDUS) have discussed their challenges, calling on management to initiate programmes to end discrimination against them, reports SARAT ALABIDUN (400-Level Applied Chemistry).

They were in the middle of their meeting in a classroom when the CAMPUSLIFE reporter walked in. Immediately, their  attention shifted to the ‘intruder’, who sat at a corner watching the proceeding.

It was the second meeting of  physically-challenged students at the Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto (UDUS). The students, under the aegis of the National Association of Physically-Challenged Students (NAPCS), gathered to discuss their challenges.

The NAPCS President, Abdullateef Adetiba, a 400-Level Sociology student, said: “A good constitution is a necessity for the association to be fully recognised on the campus.”

Abdullateef, who was elected the previous week, urged members to come up with ideas on a new constitution. He said the document must reflect the aims and aspirations of the association and its members, adding that the constitution must be written to cater for the physically-challenged who would be offered admission in the new session.

He added: “Our major concern is to join the forces to tackle discrimination against the physically-challenged students. We are human beings too. We need to have a fixed projects and programmes for the members. This must be done through our annual due to ensure that we don’t go about asking people for money.”

Physically-challenged students, Abdullateef believes, have not been treated fairly by the university authorities. He hoped to change their situation, despite the short period of his tenure.

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